Thursday, November 15, 2012

Five Things Most Brides Forget to Do on The Big Day

If you are leaving from your reception and going right to the airport for your honeymoon, make sure that your travel bags have everything you need inside of them. This includes identification, credit cards, and passports as well as check books and anything else that you may need in order to catch your flight without having to detour from your relaxing trip. Sometimes a bride can easily get caught up in the moment of her wedding day and forget to take care of a few details before hand. In an attempt to help make the day as perfect as possible, you may want to consider writing out a small to-do list a day or two before your wedding day just to be on the safe side. This can help keep you from experiencing any additional stress on your wedding day. You should also have a list packed with contact information for any vendors that will be doing work for your wedding, such as the photographer and caterers. This way, if the photographer is running late or the caterer needs to make any adjustments to the setup, they can be quickly and easily contacted. You should also ask a family member or close friend to “run point” for you. This way you have one person you can count on to help you with any small errands that need to be handled throughout the day. This will help keep you running on schedule and not get bogged down with more things to do while also trying to get ready.
You will also want to make sure that you have all of the items for your ceremony already packed and in the transport vehicle. Unity Candles and Sand Ceremonies have always been popular, but it is very common for matches to be left at home for the candles. It is also common to have left the lid to the jar for the sand ceremony at home, so having everything packed and stored ahead of time can be a life saver! Appoint a particular person not involved in the ceremony to oversee these types of details. For example, you may want to make sure that you have an emergency kit packed. The kit should have some basic supplies including a small sewing kit needed for any emergency issues with your wedding dress or any of your brides-maids’ dresses. You might also include aspirin in the case of headache, stain remover, tissues and extra make-up, just in case.

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