Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Future life after wedding ceremony

A wedding, while often accompanied by a party, is more importantly about the marriage. Losing my job has been a setback financially, but it doesn’t change that I have a wonderful man in my life that will soon be my husband. So while I’m fortunate for the celebration of the wedding, I’m even more fortunate for the marriage to Mr. Otter. There is a word about the BUDGET FREAK-OUT and yes, this post totally deserves all caps. Here’s a fun question: what do you do when you’re planning a wedding (along with, you know, living a life that involves paying bills, saving for a home and future children, etc.) and you lose your job? Well, if you’re me—you look something like being yahoo crazy, and then I declared that I was canceling the wedding. (An important note, not canceling the wedding as in not getting married, just making it considerably smaller or getting married at the courthouse instead.) I called my mom to tell her that I was canceling the wedding because of tiny tea length wedding dresses, and she told me that I wasn’t.
I also was double-teamed by Mr. Otter and my momma, telling me not to make any rash decisions so quickly after finding out that I lost my job because I persist to tea length wedding dresses. So…that sums up how a not-so-long-ago day of mine went. To clarify what happened: I made the decision to stay in Indiana and not move to where the company is, and for that reason, my former job is no longer mine. It (thankfully) was not an issue of my work ethic, but rather that a company culture was being built, and I wasn’t there to be a part of it. Now that I’ve had the time to think things over and clear my mind, it has really given me some great perspective in that I’m so incredibly fortunate to be having a wedding at all!

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