Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Take the stress out of wedding plans

Maybe what helped to prevent Chloe from falling into the tender trap was her inside knowledge of the human psyche...She now deals in frippery and finery for adoring the physical form at her bridal boutique The White Room in Sheffield’s Norfolk Row. But she’s trained to understand what goes on beneath – and I don’t mean hooped petticoats.Chloe understands how people’s minds work, thanks to her degree in psychology. Bridezilla is alive, well and getting married in a church near you. The planning for her big day will have been either a chaotic, stressful affair, or one organised with such military precision, every last detail was set in stone some two years in advance and she’ll be penning the thank you cards in the back of the wedding car.And up until May this year, she was using it to help some of the most troubled of people – Class A drug addicts with criminal convictions – to sort their heads out. Chloe, who wed in winter 2009, often looks back and wonders whether she showed Bridezilla tendencies: “I hope I didn’t. I think I was reasonably OK. Though it is so easy to get too worked up about all the details and drive everyone else mad.”As well as practical help with issues like housing and employment, she helped them address the psychologic
al issues that had led them into drug addiction. Either way, it’s a cert she’ll have driven family, groom and the bridesmaids around the bend long before they get to the lych gate.For two years, Chloe worked for the national drug and alcohol treatment charity Addaction. Her Sheffield clients were hard drug-users with criminal records who wanted to get their lives back on track and reconnect with their families. “Bridezilla is no myth. And every bride has the potential to turn into her,” says new Sheffield bridal shop owner Chloe Curry. “Brides can get so obsessed their wedding day takes over their entire life – in the worst of cases, that can be for several years in advance of the big day. It can even affect their health.”

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