Monday, December 24, 2012

Green Bridesmaid Dresses, Right Choice!

Green is a color of cool tone. In such hot summer season, seeing the color is really a joyous thing. Red, orange, and yellow are also very beautiful. But they are colors of warm tone. So, personally speaking, I think, people may easily get annoyed seeing such hot colors. Green may be a color that makes people calm down. So in the chaos of the bustling wedding party, bridesmaids with green bridesmaid dresses may magically and unconsciously play a role of calming the public feelings!
And green is a very comfortable and healthy color. There is an old saying going like this: green is the medicine of eyes. That is why many people use many green things to protect their eyes. Of course, what I mean here is not that the non-green dresses may do damage to others’ eyes. Green is more of an eye-delighted color. So people may also be more comfortable when they see the bridesmaids who wear green bridesmaid dresses.
There are limitations for the brides to choose the wedding dresses in some countries. Usually, if they do not remarry, they should wear the white or ivory wedding dresses. But as the leaves besides the brides, the bridesmaids have many choices when they pick their bridesmaids dresses. They can choose whichever color they want for their dresses. Green bridesmaid dresses are very popular.
Of course, the green bridesmaid dress may not obviously as magic as I mentioned. But surely, it has invisible effect and visible beauty.
Usually, the bridesmaids are not married. So they must be very young. Green is a very energetic color, so green is a color which is perfectly suitable for them. It shows their youth and vigor. It is also an interesting coincidence that the bridesmaids in green bridesmaid dresses are the green leaves besides the brides. But even though they are not the leading role of the wedding party, they cannot look too unsightly. Green is right a very beautiful color.

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